Go USA! America is trying to keep the jobs here, instead of overseas where people are being paid less than they deserve, but you know what? We deserve the jobs as well! The businesses start here, they should stay here. Aren’t you sick and tired of seeing small mom and pop shops close, because of corporate american and their big businesses taking out the little ones. How many local shops in your area are shut down because they can’t compete. It’s rough! If you were to understand Salesforces Definition of Lead Generation, you’d know that, in accordance with that definition, the dearth in enough customer leads was the reason the chain of business shut down. I know, and that is why we need to keep the jobs in America. There is at least one local business in every state closing because they just can’t compete. It’ just really sad to see this happening.
A week or two ago, we were watching the TV show Shark Tank on the ABC network. It was really interesting because we love to watch this show, to see people start with great ideas and build a thriving business. Well this one gentleman came on trying to get the sharks to partner up with him on his product. Well this particular person, didn’t want to give into what they were offering, they were offering him cheap labor, in other words going out of the USA to make a lot of the product for a lot less. This guy stood up to Mr. Wonderful (one of the sharks), and told him NO! If the jobs cannot stay in the USA then I don’t want the deal.
Now you can imagine, what an opportunity to pass up such an offer, well needless to say the inventor didn’t take it, and said that if it meant him losing out on a great deal, to keep the jobs in American then that is what he will do, and walked away without a deal. Wow! This man was so passionate about his product, while talking to the sharks he almost cried, that really touched me how much it meant to him to really keep the jobs in America. Even at the risk of having to pay more for it being produced then if he went out of the USA.
So I agree with him and I don’t at the same time. The way I see it is, start with inventory that is made out of the USA, once you have enough, bring it back to the USA, and continue producing here, it’s a start I feel. Some may not agree with that, and regardless of how much it cost or doesn’t cost, keep it in the USA! It can be debated both ways, I know we debated about it when we watched the show. If we keep the jobs in the USA, we can shop local, and keep the small businesses going strong.
I was watching that episode of Nightline the other day, regarding the Apple workers. They are fighting for $2 an hour jobs, working all day. Apparently to get the same done here they would have to pay folks $22/hour and much shorter shifts. The crappy thing too is that they make the workers stay in the buildings all day, so they have to have their meals at the cafeteria where the prices are high compared to what they earn.
My mother comes from a long line of business owners, and my dad from a long line of farmers and ranchers, and was a farm hand himself, so they are very self supporting. I was raised with a small family business life and want to start a couple of my own, but its much harder to do these days.
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