Okay so this is my final edition of the A to Z Challenge, I can't say I'm happy it's ending, because I am happy, it felt too hmm stressful to have to get this done, on top of other things I wanted to do, but I did commit, and I try to finish what I start and I did, yay! Ok my choice was Zombieland, now I didn't have many choices as far as films went with the letter Z, but I do recall seeing this film, I found it a bit on the comical side, which was perfectly 'ok' with me. I kind of prefer Zombie related films to be on the serious side, but saying that, I also seen Shaun of the dead, which was so hilarious, it became part of my DVD collection, that was no disappointment I tell you, gosh just thinking of it makes me laugh. Well Zombieland was like that, although between the two I would have to pick Shaun of the dead. Ok so with all that Continue Reading
Archives for April 2012
Y is for Young Adult #AtoZChallenge
Woo getting closer to the end, I keep saying that don't I? Well it's just to remind you I won't be doing any films unless it's something I really really want to share, then I will. Anyway, yesterday I had said that I wouldn't post about a film I didn't like, so I decided I would, especially because it was hard for me to find a film starting with a Y and I had put this film on my list in case I couldn't come up with anything else. I am a long time fan of Charlize Theron, I love that woman to bits, I tell you. And I always, always watch her films. Well I watched Young Adult a few months ago, and I wasn't happy with what I seen. I was so very very disappointed in the film. I actually thought it would be on the comedy side, but instead it was on the depressing side. I was fooled lol. But as I said, I watch anything she is in, because I am Continue Reading
X is for X-Men: First Class #AtoZChallenge
It's almost over, oh em gee, what am I going to do? Lol. I've got use to posting every day, now I don't know if I will keep that up, but we'll see. I have to say it gives me time to do other things that I need to do, so that's why I don't post every day. I have other websites that I need to tend to, and this month has been very stressful lol, with having to post everyday here. So let's move on, today is the one of the last days of the A to Z Challenge. I have selected X-Men: First Class, I really enjoyed this film, what film don't I like, I don't think I would post about something I don't like, but hey anything is possible. I've followed this series of films and have always loved them. The costumes are so amazing, and what a great story line too hey? So what's this about you ask? If you haven't watched them, I would suggest watching Continue Reading