I'm happy to report that in my weigh-in yesterday, I lost 3.1 pounds in a week since it’s a weekly weigh-in, not sure if I am going to say it like that. Or just how much, we’ll see. So things are going smoothly. Sometimes I feel I’m losing weight slowly, but in retrospect, I think that much weight loss in a week is pretty good. The weekly weight loss varies though, anywhere from no calories lost to 5, the most I’ve lost in one week was 5 lbs, which is a lot, and the least amount I lost was zero, but what makes me happy is I have not gained any weight, yay. I already feel a difference. Especially walking up and down the stairs, was such a hurdle for me before the weight loss and I can’t tell you how happy it has made me feel. I’m still at 1,600 calories a day. Lately, I haven’t been getting 1,600, I’ve averaged from 1,200 to 1,400 Continue Reading