Wow Christmas is over as fast as it came, it’s gone! Yesterday before going to a family dinner, we stopped off and picked up some Christmas wrapping paper and bags, for 50% off, we were going to give some to William’s sister but they said they had plenty from the year before, so they didn’t need any. I think now we are set for like the next 2 years, unless we turn out wrapping a car!! Haha! At least we know we won’t run out, and that is a sense of relief. I remember growing up, and someone always had to run out because we would run out of Christmas wrapping paper. William told me last night, the only thing we will need is tape. I wouldn’t suggest stocking up on that, for some reason I imagine the tape not being as good when next year’s Christmas wrapping time comes around. Is that just my imagination or can there be some truth to that??
We had a really nice time over at Jaime’s house, the kids are crazy oh boy they had William running around like crazy, they wear him down. They are just too cute though, some of the things they say, just make you crack up. It’s like ‘Wow where did that come from?’, just random things. The kind you want to just record and play over and over because every time, it’s going to make you laugh.
Sitting there watching the kids and everything. Took me back a few times, to when my niece and nephews were their age, and how the personalities are so different, but yet still crazy little ones. Gosh back then I felt like they were my own, I know how William feels with those kids. He loves them so much! Of course my niece and nephews have kids of their own now, well my niece does anyway, she has 2 little ones of her own, and my nephews’ girlfriend is pregnant so according to the gynecologist I’ll be seeing another lil one around soon, she is in a control with an amazing doula program services. I unfortunately was never blessed with kids, but at least I can live vicariously through others (that have kids), without the real work of motherhood hahah. Well there is a reason for everything, isn’t there?
What is everyone doing for New Years? I have no clue, well I do and don’t. I know for a fact I will be with my lovely boyfriend William, and I don’t believe we’ll be going anywhere, I’m getting paranoid as I get older lol. Staying off the streets secures my safety?? Not anymore, I have been watching that TV show ‘I Survived’, I’m seriously hooked on it. Some of the things that happen to people happen right in their own home. It’s a really scary thought. You just aren’t safe anywhere these days. But even so. I think staying home with him, will be fulfilling enough for me. I enjoy my time with William, he has made such a great impact in my life, and I love and appreciate all he does. I just hope I show it enough.
My New Years resolution! Do you have one? Believe it or not I have a few, but at the top will be losing weight, with probably a million other folks out there. I have a few others, that we kept between myself and William, and I think we will be helping each other to be able to keep them *fingers crossed* anyway, I’m sure I’ll write again, and I’ve made this blog way too long, so I will close here, hope you all have a lovely week, and if by chance I don’t get back here, Happy New Year!
Kim says
Haha, thank you for reading my super long blog and commenting on it I do tend to write really long entries when I have a lot of catching up to do or just a lot of things in my brain that I want to get out
My family doesn't really give out gifts so the only person who tends to use the wrapping paper is me lol. But I do get excited when I see really cute and cheap wrapping paper And since I'm the only one who uses it, I tend to have lots left over for years to come o_O. So my current "signature" wrapping paper is this cute penguin one.
Lol, yes, kids are not for everyone and I'm leaving that decision for much further into the future but currently I predict that I won't want to have any of my own. If it comes to that, I would like admiring kids from afar without doing all the work
Aww, I think I'm spending tonight with my boyfriend too No extravagant parties or anything. LOL ummm I JUST wrote a blog about new year's resolutions and take no offense at the losing weight part because when I say "50 pounds" I mean "losing a ton of weight in a ridiculous and unrealistic amount of time" Happy New Year's to you, and may we all lose some weight! Haha
Kim recently posted ..Happy New Year’s!
Dorine says
I think it’s a good thing that you had fun with your family and friends during Christmas. Bonding’s the most important thing, and having fun is pretty much on par with bonding. It’s also amazing that you have New Year’s resolutions because, well, that makes everything better! You have something you can aim for, at the very least.
Have an amazing New Year!
Jess says
LOL Wrapping up a car would be such an awesome April Fools’ Day prank! As for the tape, it seems to be the one thing that is used throughout the whole year…I swear that my Mom uses it for everything.
I am glad that you had a good Christmas. My Christmas was rather uneventful.
As for New Year Resolutions, I haven’t even begun to think about making any. Probably because I always end up breaking them.
Finally, I’ve tagged you in my latest post.
Jess recently posted ..Tag Me Twice, Shame on You