So yes indeed I am excited, yesterday was our 4th year anniversary. And Yes indeed this is a going to be all about me and him, so if this is not your cup of tea, move along hehe. Anyway we aren’t married, and in no rush to do so! I know, well I can feel in my heart, that he will be the one I grow old with. We are so right for each other.
You know that feel you get not only in your heart, but in the pit of your stomach? That feeling!!
Every day, of every week, of every year, I have been with this wonderful man, has been a blessing. He loves me, like a man should love a woman, in my opinion. I know we all have different opinions on how we should be loved, but he loves me how I want to be loved. No relationship will ever be perfect, and if you say yours is, than you are a damn liar LOL. Seriously, I can recall only a few days out of the 4 years we have been together, that he did not kiss me good night, and tell me I love you. And those nights were the few he slept over his sisters, to have time with his twin niece and nephews, he is so so good to those kids. I know he would make a wonderful father. How many uncles do you know, have a sleep over to just spend time with niece and nephews? No many right? I’m sure there are other out there, but in my opinion, not many.
He is a wonderful man, and he deserves a lot of happiness and love, and I am giving it to him, as best as I can. I try to show him I love him in every way possible. I don’t want to go on and on, I just wanted to put this out there, I was busy with him yesterday, and thought now is the perfect time to write a quick post, sharing my happiness with those that pop on over and read. I know a lot of people read, but don’t comment, and that is okay too. I know you are out there *wink*!
Ok I shall go, now, tomorrow is 4th of July, and I hope you all have a happy, fun and safe one. Blessings!
Aw this is so cute! Happy anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful night together and many more happy years
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