I have watched the news, read articles, had conversations, and I am tired of it already. I want things to begin to get back to normal. Granted it will never be ‘normal’ because of this pandemic, things have changed forever. People’s lives have been altered, things are so uncertain right now, and probably in the foreseeable future. Honestly, that is not only scary but sad.

In my last post I was talking about beaches being open that shouldn’t have been open to stop the spread. A month later, they are reopened. As I mentioned I have read and watched the news. We are in lockdown all over the USA. Other countries are similar. I heard on the news that Sweden, has had the same death rate as we have in the USA and they did not lockdown, so why did we? Did it in fact make a difference. Statistically, we shouldn’t have locked down according to Swedes numbers. This must end soon!
People have lost their jobs, jobs they probably won’t be able to go back to, small business are ruined, the unemployment rate is just ridiculous right now. We need to get back to work, if we are going to survive and not end in another great depression.
And still, paper goods are hard to find, and I am not 100% certain but I heard or read somewhere there are over 200 companies in the USA that make paper goods, so why are the shelves bare? The few times we have gone shopping, we are seeing less and less. I know there are hoarders out there, and I know they can’t help it because they too are scared, and that is their way of trying to think of what it may be like down the line.
I don’t know what to think, it is not like it is under our control. And that is another thing, is this a way for the government to control us? NO! I won’t stand for that. Others aren’t either, some states are protesting the lockdown because honestly, enough is enough! It is time, domestic violence is skyrocketing because of this shutdown, child abuse as well. Like I mentioned I have been reading. People are going stir crazy being cooped up, they are basically jailed in their own homes.
It is time!
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