We always seem to get rain during the summer. Over the 4th of July weekend, we had a thunderstorm. It was refreshing but loud. I happen to open the front door to get mail, and boom I hear a thunder sound, it was so unbelievably loud. It startled me. The sky got so dark, it was crazy, but like I said refreshing. After that, the mugginess came and stuck around for a bit, until it rained a little bit more. During the week we will have 90’s weather, then the coming weekend more rain lol. We didn’t get a chance to sit on our deck because of the rain. But now the cushions are out, and when my husband gets home he goes out there for a while sits, and reads.
I go out and sit for a little while and pet Pepper. Pepper is a friendly stray that hangs around the house. I spoke about her before. I’ll be honest I am growing very fond of her. She loves being pet and is very affectionate. I wish I could bring her in. But I have two cats and worry that she may have something they could catch, not fleas or ticks, something worse. I pray she doesn’t have anything.
It is Friday, and I think I left this blog unfinished, so I am finishing it today. I hope tomorrow I can post an update on my weigh-in. I am so behind with that. But I will say I am sticking to my diet and have accomplished my 6-month goal yay. More about that in my weigh-in update. It is cooler today, but not by much, mostly the humidity is lower about the mid-’60s, so that makes it bearable outside. It is nice though, I love how beautiful the back and front yards look, so green and lush. I saw a white-tailed deer two days ago, God’s beautiful creation.

Isn’t God’s creation just beautiful? I am in awe when I see one. We are so blessed to see so much of God’s creations here where we live.
Yesterday I saw Sammy, I am happy I saw him, I fed him in the morning. He seems to disappear for days at a time, and that always makes me nervous. I read posts that there is a dead cat here and there, the description is similar and it just makes me so sad to know they have been hurt, and passed in such a violent way. Even if it wasn’t one of my feral cats.
Today I saw Sherbert. He is such a beautiful cat. I wished he had a home. I can’t even go outside without him/her running away. But I am glad that I at least see him/her from time to time, and that lets me know he/she is okay. Same with Garfield and the 2nd black cat. I have yet to name. I like naming the cats, it makes me feel closer to them.
I think I am going to close here because it’s going to be 4:30 pm my husband will be coming home soon. And I want to get this posted before I forget about it again. And I need to work on some listings. Don’t forget, With God All Things Are Possible. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Until next time.
God Bless
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