Yesterday, we went to William's family house in Boston for a triple birthday party, so this was a test of not eating too much and being picky about what I was going to have. Since they ordered pizza and a cold cuts tray to make sandwiches, I had to estimate. I did not add mayonnaise as it was too high in calories, but I did add mustard which was zero. About 2 slices of two different types of sandwich meats, and a slice of cheese (Swiss), and finally 2-4 tablespoons of coleslaw. I had a cup of coffee black with some sweet n’ low, and later a decaf Diet Coke. I think I did okay, breakfast was at Dunkin Donuts, so I know how many calories I had, as it is not the first time I’ve had their awesome turkey bacon breakfast croissants, so good!!! 390 calories though, and an iced coffee, slim milk, and sweet n’ low. So not bad, and for dinner, a Continue Reading
Weigh-in #14 ~ Keep on Trucking
I’m not really post-dating, I did weigh in yesterday morning, and it’s Sunday today, so I am kind of post-dating the date. I usually call it posting about it over the same weekend, so yay! Even though I put yesterday's date, just for my own records, so I don’t get confused. I’ve been doing reasonably well, until Friday, when I goofed up. William texted me and asked if I felt like having a Subway, sandwich and I thought yay great! They have healthy sandwiches. We had a Subway sandwich a few weeks before, he asked me to email him what I’d like, and I am always a stickler for details and getting all the calorie counts. Well I waited until the last minute and I hadn’t done it yet, so I checked my email and copied an old email and sent him it, even though I read it said Teriyaki Chicken and that is yummy and I knew it would be. I glanced at Continue Reading
Weigh-in #13 ~ Got it going on!
So here I am again, post-dating my weigh-in. I don’t know why I do it, I should blog about it as soon as I weigh in, but so many things come up right after, then before I know it, the week has passed. Sorry, but I will do the post-dating just to keep it on track for myself. So last week I showed you the photo of the blouse, and it arrived this week, I tried it on just to see how much I have to go. I got it on, but I know I have still a lot to lose before I can actually be wearing it, it’s even more beautiful in person. Anyway back to my weigh-in, here is this week's photo! I know for some it may not be much to be losing, especially when you compare me to an extreme weight-loss person, I would do it, but I don’t think my life story is sappy enough. Oh yeah I lost 0.7 lbs, as I mentioned it is not much, but at least I didn’t gain, Continue Reading