I wanted to quickly post a little something, it's my sister and her daughters Jenny's bday officially today being the 11th of April, and on the 3rd it was my oldest brother Eric's bday so I want to wish them a very happy bday. I already heard from my brother and he said he didn't do nothing on his bday, that made me sad because traditionally we'd at least get a cake and a few little presents for everyones bday when it came around so as to not feel forgotten and well celebrating thier bday with family, but that all ceased when my mother passed away, if I was there I would of given him a bday cake and a little present, it hurts me that my other siblings didn't do anything not even dinner you know? Just kills me to know that. I feel kinda like crying. I'm sorry it's just I started to think about those times when my mom was around. Okay I Continue Reading