I decided to give it a fresh look and here we are, a bit of a summer look wouldn't you say? There are a few things I'm still doing to tweak here and there but there you go. I just watched a movie tonight called the Pursuit Of Happyness I have to say that movie made me cry here and there :( very touching story and based on a true events. Last night I watched Nicolas Cage in the movie Next, wow I really enjoyed that movie, a must see. This really isn't going to be too long, it's late or should I say early? And I'm a bit tired so I won't bore you with my usual long posts lol. Oh I finally got the ok from tfl.org for my latest fanlisting the Stonehenge fanlisting, yay finally I waited almost a month for them to finally say its been approved, well it's done and there you go, ready for joining! Funny when I applied I misspelled the name of Continue Reading