Omg I can't believe it happened again, if you keep up with what happens to me you'd know about the knee thing, for those that don't quick summary, 2 years ago went to Ireland traveled via bus, hurried myself to get into my seat, body thought before my legs and I moved quickly in but my legs stayed put lol, and I tore a ligament in my knee, and every now and then it tears again sort of, I'm not even sure if thats what it does but today as I was walking calmly to the market, I was bout to walk up on the curb because I crossed the street and bam it happened again, it was such a weird feeling as if my leg was loose off of my knee cap or something just so weird and hard to describe it, but now I'm limping around. I told Alice about it, and she's not very happy because I was suppose to go into town (take a bus and such) to go to the bank, and Continue Reading