I have to say today is looking gorgeous, and look at me with no where to go and no one to go with. I sit here waiting for the estate agent to bring by some people to see the place, as you know we are possibly selling but definitely going to rent it out, hopefully aiming to sell, anyway so I had to scurry around making sure things look ok. The only thing I couldn't do is clean the windows, our windows are huge they go from the floor to the ceiling, and I'm a short chick lol, and can't really reach, plus Alice said she didn't want me out on the balcony alone, she had this frightening dream a while ago that someone close to her jumped off a building, no! I wouldn't ever do that, but she says it can also mean someone falling by accident so she says she don't want me out there alone, sometimes I think oh I'll surprise her and clean them, but Continue Reading