It has been about 2 weeks and the leaves had already been changing here in Massachusetts. Yesterday was the first day of Fall. The temperatures are lower now, it is nippier early in the mornings. I have enjoyed the breezy afternoons though. I love being able to open up the windows and let airflow through the house.
I think today I will change my kitchen curtains, I have had a lemon theme up all Summer and have loved it. But now it is time to change them. I have a plaid set I bought last year that I’ll be putting up, that we will use through the holidays. I am going to look around and see if there is a Fall theme I can find, but if not then the plaid will do.

I think it is more of a Christmas/Valentine’s theme, more so than Fall. But I suppose it can work for Fall too. I have a leaves theme in mind over plaid. I will have to search around. I can’t wait too long, as you know the holidays go by us so fast.
I stepped away for a bit. My cat Lily woke me up at 4:30 and I have been up since. So I thought I would start a blog post, and add a few listings to Ebay, Mercari, and Poshmark. As I was looking for a picture, I realized that I have another softer browns plaid curtains I would put up during Fall, and then again after Christmas. So if I cannot find any Fall leaves themed kitchen curtains, then the soft browns will do. I almost forgot about that. I had a hard time finding a photo, but here is one with one of my girls, this is Lily, but the curtains are in the background.

I was up when my husband got up. I got up to use the restroom and realized it was 7 am, and he usually gets up about 6:45 am, so I walked into the room and told him it was 7 am, so he jumped up and got himself ready, meanwhile I fixed him a coffee to take along with his lunch and water bottle.
Then I went off to make myself some breakfast, and now I am sitting here hoping to finish this blog post and post the 2 listings I planned to list today. Earlier while I was waiting until Lily found a place to sleep, I thought I would go through folders of pictures and pull out all my cat pictures, as I like keeping them in a folder to find easily, especially when I want to print some out. And wow I found a lot LOL.
Then silly Lily starts to whine, I know she’s sleepy again, so I got her to jump on the table (in my hobby room), as they both like being near me. Now they are both napping happily, while I try to finish my work and this blog post.
These are my sweet girls (Left: Lily, Right: Daisy) napping on my table, they take up most of the space LOL. But at least it is peaceful as I do my work, and I have them near me, and I know they are warm and happy.
All I have left to do to finish this post is to find the picture of the soft browns kitchen curtains as I wanted to add them. Then I can post it. So I will close here. I expect I’ll be getting tired since I have been up since 4:30 am, and I will take a nap as well. But at the very least I got some stuff done, so I am a happy camper.
Just for the record, I am finally posting this blog, it’s going to be 1 pm. Wow! I somehow managed to fight through, and I think I got a 2nd wind, but I may decline fast soon. I better get going.
Until next time stay safe & healthy
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