Even though Alice is working tonight, we didn’t get to enjoy watching the fireworks today, but thats ok I am not too familiar with the English holiday. But it was nice to see them outside the window, and hear them. I did call her and talk to her for a little while at work. In about 2 days or so, I’ll be making a trip to London, to go see Alice, and gather somethings for her to come down home, she’ll be off for 10 days I’m so happy finally we will get to spend a nice chunk of time together. We go loads to do here though, we got a wardrobe and a bed to put together, it takes to do it, so I can’t do it myself, although the first time I did put the bed together, then we found out, we go the wrong size mattress, and this was after I spent like a 2 hours putting the bed together (6) yeah it got me so upset, because not only did I put it together, and realised the mattress wouldn’t fit, I talked to Al, and told her, and she just got so upset that she told me to just take it apart, I did, which took just as long, and packaged the box up, to later after she calmed down, decide she wanted to keep it haha, so it’s still packaged, and I told her I refused to put it together alone! So we got those two things to do, and boxes of books I am still taking out, so she can finally decide what books she wants to keep and which will go bye bye. So we got lots to do.
As you can see I added the translator thingy up over there *points to the right over the navigation* lol. Lovely Tina replied to my email when I asked her about, she is such a doll, she is also the girl who made this template, I just don’t have the patience at the moment to make a template or layout for this site. I’m thinking of getting another domain, don’t know if I am or not yet. I did however, make a layout for my collective Adored Beauty I think I just changed the name from 3am lol, ahh well. Never happy with anything XD. I think I’m going to look for a plugger, I forgotten how time consuming it can be hehe. I need to go finish up my collective, just need to make my buttons. See ya!
Thanks: Millie, Steph, Sara, Lola, Noha
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