It seems like there isn’t enough time in a day to do all the things one wants to do. It’s Friday, and what are my plans? Probably the same as Monday, Tuesday and every day of the week. Now that Alice is gone I don’t have anyone to do anything with =\ Well so I try to dedicate myself to doing something online. I need to post some stuff on ebay that Alice wants to get rid of. Oh Trixie left me a comment saying she exchanged her router. But my problem is not the router to be honest maybe it is I don’t know. Funny thing is when I am sitting farther away from it, it loses connection, but if I sit close to it, as I’ve been doing today it works fine, soo weird. I was chatting away to Kryz today also, and we were talking about movies, she told me about this movie called Dead Silence? I never heard of it, nor have I seen the trailer, so I got to see it and I’m like WOW that is a must see!! The detective guy from Saw II is in it, don’t know if anyone noticed that I’m sure someone did. She also mentioned the movie The Reaping, also another good movie I’d like to see. I seen a movie last night, was sooooo boring and not worth the time, so much I won’t even mention it lol, ok I will cause your all going to get curious now it was For Your Consideration, such a bad movie in my eyes, the title sounds like it’d be some good drama movie, yeah I do on occasion like to watch drama but this was anything but, it was horrible I’m sorry to say.
I feel there are so many thins i want to do but I feel like pulling my hair out cause I can’t finsih them all, or I run out of time, I know it’s not like I’m dying or anything lol *knock on wood* but ahhh so much I want to do but real life stuff comes first lol. Thats life huh, why don’t I just stop complaining already. Ok I better stop about all that.
I talked to Alice today, boy was she tired, she’s on shift work she’ does 5 days on 5 days off and 12 hour shifts, she’s like I can’t do this!! It’s so hard. My poor bab =\ I feel for her. She’s working on getting changed over to better hours, and maybe just possibly transfering closer to home, that would be soooo great!! *keeps fingers crossed*.
I signed up for that payperpost thing, and my blog was approved and all but I haven’t gotten arond to doing it ,because I’m confused as to how to do it, don’t get me wrong i know how to blog thats obvious, but like where do I find out informatoin about the subject, ahhh I’ll figure it out, it’s not like that is mandatory to find out right this moment, but if anyone is doing it, let me know your thoughts, I’d surely appreciate it. Got to go!
omg it didn’t post it, *cries” i’ll email it to you then take care.
I haven’t seen the reaping but it looks good, kinda scares me but I’ll still watch it lol. I know you are all alone now cause Alice is in London, well I guess it does give you more time to do things, but I know you miss her. Hope she’ll be home soon.
I also wanted to wish you a Happy Easter and I have a gift for you here it is hope this works.
Oh yay your preview thing showed it to me right away and it did work, it’s simple but hope you like it.
Yeah I think I am getting to the point where I am out growing alot of stuff. The piercings I think will take awhile for me to out grow but after I get my bully button pierced I am done with them for sure. Some tattoo’s I am looking into getting done within the next year or so. Thanks the hoop does look nice but still feels weird lol. Ahh love having my own domain, it’s so cool.
Would love to be affiliate with your portals and also would you like to be site affitiates as well?
Thanks for the comment. I apperciate it. Thanks for pointing out that I have errors, I know already that they’re there, I just cant seem to get enough time in a day to fix up my site anymore. My son occupies alot of my time
Thanks for joining my cam portals that was sweet of you. How have you been Emily?
At first I couldn’t really get into the movie Dead Silence, I think it was because I was highly distracted. But once I saw it, I loved it. I noticed the detective from Saw was in it. I wasn’t surprised because the same people who made Dead Silence, made Saw as well.
Sometimes I feel like I never have enough time to do all of the things that I’d like to do. But yea, that’s life and I guess we have to make time.