Oh yes, baby! One more day until my birthday ;) wow, it's come so fast, it was just William's birthday not too long ago, and now mine. Then Christmas will be here and then New Years', and before you know it, it'll be Valentine's. Yes, that's how fast it all goes. Gosh, where does the time go? Does time really speed up as you get older? So I woke up this morning groggy as always lol, but then realize it's like 60 something today, although the temperature is supposed to drop. I poked my head out the door as William left for work, and I can feel the warmth in the air, I was like wow! It won't last but it was nice. In California, if we had this kind of sudden change of weather we'd all be saying "earthquake weather" lol, seriously and then one would follow like not too long after, few days or something. Not a big one, but still something Continue Reading