It's here, my birthday (I couldn't resist posting that icon there lol) OMGosh it's here. Yay! Ok well my birthday actually started yesterday, first with sweet William sending me some beautiful flowers, they are beginning to bloom, so that was soo very sweet of him. Then later, he got home with presents yay! Who doesn't love presents? Well he knows I am a big fan of Battlestar Galactica, and we had talked about the show many times, I've even thought about getting the DVD collection, but while looking at it, I noticed that they would send you a tall metal replica of the Cylon, so knowing this, he got me a Cylon action figure, omgosh it's so cute, I loved it. He also knows I am a big fan of Ghost Hunters: TAPS, so he got me a starter kit hehe. So we can actually do a little ghost hunting, oh that's spooky! When I opened up my birthday Continue Reading