Happy September everyone! And what does that mean? Yup, summer is ending, gosh it's true, summer is almost over, and I am very relieved hehe. Because all I did all summer is complain about the humidity, and well that's too bad it's just going to happen. Anyway so I have been busy with my eBay thing. And all during that, I had recently not been feeling very good. Just one day I woke up and my lower back started to hurt me. I think I seen it coming on. I would wake up and my back would be a bit stiff, I didn't quite understand why. Then suddenly the back pain hit OMGGGG, this had gone on for like almost 2 weeks, oh pain. If I sat for a long period of time, I would be stiff as a board, getting up in the morning was painful. William was an angel with me and was very supportive, rubbed icey hot on my lower back. I mean gosh isn't he just the Continue Reading