Well I am not sure yet! The weather is weird as of lately. It's raining, but not really cold, it's rather warm. Last night William said it was cold when we stepped outside. I wasn't cold, but I told him perhaps its because I had jeans on and he had pjs bottoms lol, and those are thinner material. But today, well this morning he left for work, and I was at the door, because he forgot to take a package with him that needs to be posted out today, so he had to return. I looked outside and it was raining, I think it still is right now and it's going on noon, I could be wrong, but even now it's still not cold as I would expect it to be when it rains, ahh well. I love the weather though, I do indeed love when it rains. Ok so the 10 cent days are over lol. It was only 3 days, I listed a few things. It just takes time to list things on Continue Reading