I have been so busy, that I completely forgot to post on Tuesday, which is when I am trying to post now. Okay, so as my title states, yes intermittent fasting does work. It did great this first week for my current weigh-in. I lost 3.9 lbs, I was very happy. I feel I can intermittently fast in the mornings, and then have lunch, and then dinner. Which keeps my calorie intake lower. This is what I will be doing from here on in. I think it was a great success, and I hope on Sunday, I have another successful weigh-in.
I am so happy to see the number going down on the scale. So very happy. The intermittent fasting is paying off and is worth it. Now to just continue doing what I am doing. When I fast, by the end of dinner, I am less than 1000 calories, so I need to eat a little more during the day. Because eating more at night is not a good idea either. At least during the day, I am moving around. Speaking of moving around, I need another cup of coffee, lol. I will return to finish this post.
I never got that cup of coffee. Instead, I had a few dishes to clean up, then I saw Momo outside, so I went to feed him. Then back to finish the dishes. Then, I needed to get dinner in the oven. Then I did a little vacuuming, as it needed it. Whenever we come into the kitchen from outside, we always bring leaves or little bits of lawn inside. So, that needed to be vacuumed up, and while I was at it, I vacuumed the living room, bedroom, bathroom, and hall. Except for my hobby room, because Lily is here, and the noise will frighten her, and I didn’t want to do that to her. I must go now. I need to make some vegetables for dinner.
I think that is it for now. I hope you are all having a great day and evening, where ever you may be. Don’t forget, With God All Things Are Possible. I hope you all had a wonderful rest of your day. Until next time.
God Bless
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